Senin, 07 Mei 2012



Social Function
Generic Structures
Language Features
Descriptive Text
To describes a particular person, animal, place, or thing.
1. Identification : identifies the phenomenon (who or what) to be described.
2. Description : describes parts and qualities.
1.  Focus on specific participants.
2.  Using simple present tense.
3.  Vocabularies chosen are focused on adjectives and adverbs.
Narrative Text
To entertain, to amuse, and to deal with actual or vicarious experience in different ways.
1. Orientation : introduce the place and time the story takes place.
2. Complication : conflict.
3. Resolution : it is as the conflict resolved.
1.  Introducing specific participant.
2.  Using chronological connection.
3.  Using action verb.
4.  Using simple past tense.
5.  Using direct and indirect speech.
Procedure Text
1.  To describes how to do or to make something through sequences of actions or steps completely.
2.  To describes how something accomplished.
1. Goal : to express how to do or how to make something well.
2. Material : things that are needed to carry out the procedure.
3. Steps : goal followed by a series of steps oriented to archieve the goal.
1.  Using simple present tense.
2.  Often imperative.
3.  Using action verbs.
4.  Using adjectives and adverbs.
5.  Using quantifiers.
6.  Using sentence sequence connectors.
Recount Text
To retells events for the purpose of informing or entertaining the reader.
1. Orientation : provides setting and introducing participants.
2. Events : tell what happened.
3. Reorientation : optional closure of events.
1.  Focusing on specific participants.
2.  Using material processes (action verbs).
3.  Circumstances on time and place.
4.  Using simple past tense.
5.  Focusing on temporal sequence.
Report Text
To presents information about something, as it is.
1. Introduction
2. Description
3. Summaries, recommendation, or conclusion.
1.   Using language for defining.
2.   Using language for classifying.
3.   Using language for comparing.
4.   Using language for contrasting.
5.   Focus on conditional logical connection.
6.   Using simple present tense.
7.   Has a logical sequence of facts.

Example of each texts :
1.          Descriptive Text


Lima Kaum's great mosque is the oldest mosque on Tanah Datar regency that is more than two hundreds years old. It’s located at Kenagarian Lima Kaum; it’s about 20 m from the major street, Padang-Batusangkar.
Lima Kaum’s great mosque was built before the Dutch come in to the Minangkabau, so that there is nothing the west architecture of this building. It means, the architecture of this mosque is still as the Minangkabau culture style. The case can be seen from the roof form of the mosque. Its roof uses replica, or there is a miniature on its top, that shows it like the Koto Piliang architecture style.
Although, considered as the oldest mosque, this holy square building is still kept with its special part. The floor of the mosque made or concrete, and the wall and their pillars made of woods that painted with varnish. The woods of the building were taken from Singkiah jungle and Sandaran Dadiah Talago Gunuang forest hill. The people that worked in this wood research are Dt. Raja Suleiman and Dt. Marajo. It’s done for one year.
Now, the windows of the oldest mosque were changed by jalouise windows. Their totals are 28. But, there are still the genuine parts of this building. They are the major pillars. There are 25 pillars of them and they show the total of village head at Lima Kaum.
Not only that, there is also a Marcu pillar in the middle of the building, its height is about 40 m, and symbolize the great of Dt. Bandaro Kuniang. If we want to go to the top part, we can use the step of it. The step’s totals are 99. All of them symbolize the Name’s of Allah (Asmaul Husna).
Meanwhile, this mosque is surrounded by different building. The TPA is in front of the mosque. There are two building for the activity. Each building is not so big. It consists of some chairs and tables. Beside this TPA, there is a toilet. It is square and not so big. Yet, this building is next to the right's gate. On the left side of the mosque, actually at the corner, there are some graves. The villagers that live near this mosque said that those are the craftsman graves. In addition, this building has a square pond that is medium height. It always contained with many fish that could be sell for the mosque improvement.

2.          Narrative Text


A long time ago, there was a beautiful little princess named Shelly who liked to climb trees. "Behave like a lady, and stop climbing trees," said her parents. Yet, she did not listen and went on climbing all sorts of trees.
Years went by, and she had grown up. By now she was an expert in tree climbing. Her parents grieved. "Who will marry a rough woman?" said her mother sadly.
"We will make use of the situation," her father replied. "I will offer half of my kingdom and the princess' hand in marriage to any man who can beat her at tree climbing."
After the king's offer was announced, the palace was soon swamped with suitors who could climb trees. Most of them were terrible; only a few were good. The princess then said, "Never mind, Father. Now, let me set a test, and perhaps a good suitors can be found." Then she turned to the suitors and asked, "Do you agree that you were beaten fairly?"
"No," they all roared. "We think it was magic or some sort of trick."
But one said, "Yes. I was beaten fairly."
The princess was touched by the man's honesty. She smiled and turned to her father. She pointed to the man and said, "If he likes me, I will marry him." It turned out the suitor also liked the princess. Then, they decided to get married and lived happily ever after.

3.          Procedure Text


Do you like cooking?  Have you ever used a microwave oven? Of course, most of you know how to operate it. A microwave oven is an electronic tools that can we use to cook or to heat foods and drinks. If you are in a hurry and you need an instant food or drinks, you are better to use this tool because it’s able to help you quickly. For you all who are still not able and don’t know how to operate a microwave oven, let do this following process.
First, prepare a microwave oven, a kind of foods or drinks, and an item of the microwave (may be mug, plate, or container). You may not use an aluminum container. If your food or drink is in an aluminum container, remove and place it into something that is microwave compatible because aluminum foil or anything that is made of metal can cause the unit of microwave oven to catch on a fire.
Second, set the time on the microwave oven when you first install it. To set the time on microwave with only flat buttons, push the “clock” buttons to enter the appropriate time.
Third, open the microwave door (depending on style, you may have to pull handle or push a button to open).
Next, place the item containing the food or drink inside the microwave, and then close the door. After that, set cook or reheat time as suggested for the particular food or drink. Use the numbers on the front of the unit to enter the time that you want the food or drink to cook. Press the “power level” button if you want to cook an item at a power level that is less than the microwave’s standard power. Press “start” later. The microwave oven begins to cook or reheat the food or drink. When the cooking cycle is complete, the microwave beeps to notify you.
Finally, check contents periodically, and turn or stir it to ensure even cooking. If your food cooking cycle is complete, remove your food carefully or allow the food to cool before removing. In addition, restart the microwave if additional cooking is needed after four minutes.

4.          Recount Text


Yesterday was great day as my parents and I went to movie world. When we got up in the morning, it looked like rain. After a while the clouds disappeared and it became a sunny day. We then decided to go to movie world.
The first ride I went on was lethal weapon. Next I saw the police academy show. At this point I felt hungry and so I had a milkshake and the queue for the batman ride and finally got a go.
It rained about lunchtime but soon after it was fine again. We then went on all the other rides and lastly did the studio tour. It was fun.

5.          Report Text


Ants are insects that come from a family eusosial Formisidae, and ants are included in the order Himenoptera along with bees and wasps. Ants are divided into more than 12,000 groups, with a large number of comparisons in the tropics. Known for its colony of ants and their nests are irregular, which sometimes consist of thousands of ants per colony. Types of ants are divided into worker ants, ant males, and the queen ant. One colony can master and use a large area to support their activities. Ant colonies sometimes called superorganisme because their colonies are forming a union.

Ants have mastered almost all the land on Earth. Only in some places, such as Iceland, Greenland and Hawaii, they did not control the proficiency level. As their numbers grow, they can form approximately 15-20% of the total biomass of the animals.

Termites, sometimes called white ants, do not have a close relationship with ants, even though they have the same social structure. Velvet ants, although resembling large ants, but they are not winged female wasps.

Although its size is relatively very small, ants are the second strongest animals in the world. Males able to support heavy loads with fifty times the weight itself can be compared with the elephant that is only able to sustain heavy loads with twice its own weight. The first position is the Rhinoceros Beetle with the ability to handle the weight with a weight of 850 times its own weight.

*Taken from Various Resources

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